Insignia of the Norwegian Telemark Battalion
Kate Del Castillo
Camille Rowe
Thor in Marvel comics

MYTH 6: Azov tattoos feature runes because the unit's fighters are Nazis

Similar to the rules that apply to sleeve patches and clothing in Azov, tattoos with Nazi symbols are prohibited within the unit. Runic symbolism is used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Hitler and the monstrous actions of the regime created by him do not have a monopoly on the use of these symbols. Runes — the traditional writing of the ancient Germanic tribes, used in a large part of European territory. Tattoos with runes are nothing more than an exploitation of the aesthetics of a certain historical period in Europe, which is associated with the revered qualities of valor, courage, bravery, fearlessness and willingness to die in battle. Viking warrior traditions influenced the further European military culture, in which to this day soldiers in different countries of the world find motifs close to their world views. In addition to tattoos of runes, military personnel often take their call signs, referring to Scandinavian mythology: names of gods, heroes, great warriors, mythological creatures or names of Scandinavian weapons.
Insignia of the Norwegian Telemark Battalion
Moreover, historically, the Vikings and their culture are directly related to the history of Kyivan Rus', a medieval state that occupied the territories of modern Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and the Baltic States, with its capital in Kyiv. The first princes of this state were the Vikings Rurik, Askold, Dir, Igor and Olga.
The approach to such symbolism depends, first of all, on the context in which this or that symbol or mythological character is placed. Thus, modern culture actively uses characters from ancient Germanic myths. Canadian singer Grimes, Mexican actress Kate Del Castillo, American actress Camille Rowe and many other popular figures in popular culture have runes as tattoos.
Kate Del Castillo
Camille Rowe
The fantasy genre of modern art also actively exploits runic writing, often drawing inspiration for stories in ancient mythologies. In the Marvel universe there is a story of a god of Germanic-Scandinavian mythology Thor, whose hammer, Mjolnir, is one of the symbols used by some representatives of right-wing ideology. However, no one would think of accusing the creators of Marvel comics and films of neo-Nazism because of their use of a character from an ancient Scandinavian myth and his attributes.
Thor in Marvel comics