Ukraine is a post-colonial territory, which for centuries was forcibly incorporated into the Russian Empire. In order to unify the population, the Russian Empire authorities destroyed the cultural heritage of the countries it occupied, banned national languages and imposed the Russian language on all people living within the borders of its territories.
The USSR, which succeeded the Russian Empire, continued the same policy of oppressing peoples and their identities to consolidate its own tyranny. The Soviet Union exterminated national elites, censored culture and education, and created narratives convenient to itself. Because of that, a large number of people in Ukraine speak Russian, which is actively used by the Kremlin propaganda.
The military invasion in 2014, like the full-scale aggression in 2022, was justified by "protecting the rights of Ukraine's Russian-speaking population". This myth is paired with the Russian propaganda narrative that the western part of Ukraine has a feud with the eastern part.
The well-known American historian, Yale University professor Timothy Snyder, who specializes in the history of Eastern Europe and, in particular, Ukraine and Russia,